Your First Back Wax

man playing volleyball with a smooth waxed back

Note: this article is supplemental to the main Male Waxing treatment page. If you are chasing prices or want to book in to our Rockhampton studio, go to: Male Waxing Rockhampton.


Back Waxing

As we guys pass through puberty and beyond into manhood, our body hair grows exponentially.

Without a doubt, backs are the most common body area a man will ask about waxing.

Life Stages of the Modern Male

Perhaps not coincidentally, back hair is also the number one pet hate when it comes to body hair for partners, whether male or female.

Thankfully, back waxing is a common treatment nowadays. Most towns and suburbs have at least one beauty salon or male waxing studio that will perform a men's back waxing treatment.

special price deal back wax and massage Rockhampton

Preparing for a back wax

Here are some more men's waxing preparation suggestions for you to consider:

Waxing tips for male body and Brazilian waxing

Know how much you will be paying

One man's back is different to the next in regard to hair growth. Some guys just have a few patches here and there while others will have wrap-around dense pubic hair over their entire back and sides.

For this reason, backs are sometimes divided up into areas when it comes to pricing, as per the graphic below.

Body Part prices and definitions for Men's Body Waxing in Rockhampton

Things that might prevent you from receiving a back wax

Some medical conditions, supplements, and other factors can make your skin or hair unsuitable for a waxing treatment. To save replication, you can find a comprehensive list of these factors in this article:

Body and Brazilian Waxing Contraindications, Risks, and Protocols

After your back wax appointment

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